How Sin Deceives


Hebrews 3:12-13 NIV

See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.


The author of Hebrews is warning Christians not to be tempted away from God and God’s ways by “sin’s deceitfulness.” Calling on the story of the rebellious Israelites, who turned away from God after their exodus from Egypt, the author warns Christians not to fall into the same trap. As long as it is “Today,” he says, listen for God’s voice and keep your heart soft and receptive. Don’t let the serpent’s voice, which deceived Eve into disobedience, harden you into resisting Christ and denying your call to be like him.

Sin can be especially deceitful when it comes to relationships. As we function in community with others, we must quickly evaluate what people say and do, and choose how we will respond. Whether a brief exchange with a stranger in a grocery store or a long-standing relationship with a friend or family member, our interactions with others reflect the habits we have developed over the years to respond to people. When these habits were fostered by sin’s deceitfulness, we must acknowledge the evil in them and commit to learning Christlike ways instead.

What does “sin’s deceitfulness” look like in our relationships? What are the lies that dictate our harmful habits? Here is a short list:

  • Life is supposed to be easy and painless. If I am unhappy, someone must be to blame.
  • I am qualified to judge others and to decide how best to punish them.
  • I know what people are thinking. I know their hearts and what motivates their behaviors.
  • My assessment of other people is always accurate and complete.
  • When someone hurts me and I can no longer see their good side, it’s probably because they don’t have a good side.
  • God’s warnings in the Bible are not to be taken seriously. I am in charge of my own life, and I know what is best for me.
  • It takes backbone to hold a grudge. Forgiving shows weakness.
  • I am entitled to receive respect, consideration, and acceptance from every person.
  • I have a short fuse, so it’s not my fault when I say angry, hurtful things to others. They need to get over it.
  • Children are resilient and can recover from just about anything.

Some of these lies are so ingrained, we don’t recognize them for what they are. We don’t realize the power they have over us or the role they have played in damaging our relationships.

When you hear God’s voice urging you to go a different way, don’t wait. “Today” is fleeting, and your window of opportunity to do good and shine for Christ can quickly close, with no promise of another chance.


O Lord, I confess that I subscribe to hurtful lies that have damaged my relationships and hardened me against your ways. Awaken me to these errors, and give me courage and guidance to change my ways to your ways while it is still “Today.” Have mercy on me, soften my prideful heart, and use me to build your kingdom everywhere I go.


John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 11:3


As I review the list of sin’s deceitful lies, which are familiar to me? What lies have I believed that are not on the list?

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