Child of Light


John 12:36 (The Message)

As you have the light, believe in the light. Then the light will be within you, and shining through your lives. You’ll be children of light.

Matthew 5:16 (New Century Version)

In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven.


The apostle John states clearly in his letter to first-century Christians, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” Jesus came to us as Immanuel—the God-Light incarnate among us. The whole point of sharing the Gospel of Jesus is that we who bear his Name also bear his light and shine that light in the world so that others may catch a glimpse of God and be drawn to Him.

Jesus says, “Believe in the light.” How well do we do that? When push comes to shove, do we put our trust in the light of God or in the darker ways of the world?

We most often find the answer to that question in the way we treat other people. Do our actions lead people to recognize and praise God? Do they look at us and say, “That person must serve a God who is good and honest and merciful and just. I would like to know a God like that. I am tired of stumbling in darkness.”

Or, do we treat others in such a way that people think, “That person is proud and likes to be admired. Looking good is more important than being honest or merciful or compassionate. That person believes in serving the Self. Nothing new there, and no help for me.”

God has given you his precious light and the privilege of shining for Him in your relationships.

So, shine!


FATHER, I thank you for saving me from the fear and confusion of walking in darkness. Thank you for sending Jesus to be your light among us. Show me the ways in which I still trust in the dark ways of the world and help me to overcome them. Let me shine for You in my relationships and bring honor and glory to your Name.


John 1:4-5; Ephesians 5:8; 1 John 1:5


What dims your light in your relationships? How might a new habit help your light to shine brighter?

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