A Devotional Walk with Forgiveness

Sometimes relationships hurt. Friends disappoint us; loved ones betray our trust. People violate our rights, and we want justice, an apology, compensation. We want the guilty exposed and our suffering acknowledged. Sometimes we want pure, cold revenge.

What we want, however, isn’t always what we need. A DEVOTIONAL WALK WITH FORGIVENESS offers God’s healing solution to relationship hurts. The book is a five-week exploration of what it means to forgive, why we all need it, and how we can begin to practice it. Through daily Bible readings, thoughtful essays, and challenging questions, forgiveness reveals itself as God’s remedy for broken hearts and damaged relationships. Find out why families hurt each other; consider whether we can forgive unrepentant offenders; discover what conflict can teach us about ourselves. Learn how forgiveness can help you work through the pain of your deepest wounds and surrender your bitter heart to the comfort and nurture of God’s love for you.


This book was easy to apply and very thorough in its treatment of forgiveness. The tools and Scriptures were on target and helpful for working through even very challenging hurts and bitterness.

Michael Kientz

A Devotional Walk with Forgiveness is a thorough, practical treatment of forgiveness. I appreciate Judy’s approach in seeing forgiveness as a daily spiritual exercise that keeps us fit in our relationship with God and with those persons God has placed around us. Often times it is easy to treat a subject like this on a theoretical level, but not provide the practical recommendations needed to make forgiveness real in our lives. Thanks, Judy, for your desire to help the church practice this very important teaching of Christ Jesus.

Rev. Daniel R. Siems

While books on the topic abound, little attention is given to the “how to” of forgiveness. This “how to” is Judith Ingram’s valuable contribution in A Devotional Walk with Forgiveness. Adopting the health fitness “workout” metaphor, we are guided on a five-week interactive daily exercise program of spiritual fitness focused upon incorporating forgiveness into our spiritual lives as a consistent, ongoing practice.

Dr. M. James Sawyer, Th.M.